There are many types of living situations – from the single person who lives in a studio apartment to an extended family or group of people that live in a house; however, they all have one thing in common – trying to keep a house clean and being overwhelmed by it from time to time. Here are 3 tips for keeping a clean house that will also keep you from going crazy about the mess:
Tip#1: Throw things out. If you have many people or one it doesn’t matter – things that should be thrown out accumulate and never make it to the trash or a yard sale. Magazines and other mail should be sorted once a week – if you are the only one doing it, let everyone know that once a week, every stray scrap of paper or magazine will go into the recycle bin if it is left lying around. People will quickly get the hint.
Get rid of old clothes and sports equipment and donate it to the closest charity that will take it. Again, make no acceptations – if someone hasn’t worn something for a year, including yourself, you never will again. Extra clothes and sports equipment lying around make it hard to clean and old clothes just become a cozy home for dust mites, mold, mildew, mice, and cockroaches. As well, throw out stuff in the refrigerator once a week and you will be much more likely to clean it.
Tip #2: Pick a night once a week to clean. This is a night where everyone has to pitch in. If someone can’t make it, there are no excuses. Whatever doesn’t get done on cleaning night will be their responsibility. No exceptions! Have pizza or some other refreshments and you will get a much better response from your family or housemates.
Another idea is to assign chores, but this isn’t as effective. People will put this off until the last minute, if they do it at all, and then you become the mean person of the house. Better to get as many people as you can on one night and make as much fun out of it as possible.
Tip #3: If you are alone or can’t get anyone to help you, follow the “One Chore” school of thought rather than doing nothing. The One Chore school of thought is just getting one thing done every day. This could be thoroughly cleaning one room, or completing one chore a night like vacuuming. No matter what happens, you will always have a semi-clean house, and it won’t take a Herculean effort to clean the rest of it when you get some time to do so.
We can always help with the carpet cleaning. So, if you have a nice clean house and are just looking for the egde to get your carpets cleaned. Please get in touch for a quote.