Many people will tell you about their DIY upholstery cleaning tips and tricks, but what you may be disappointed to learn is that their biggest tips are to prevent wear and tear on your furniture by using slip covers and that their trick to get a sofa clean is some dish liquid and warm water. That being said, however, there are some things that you can do and some things that you can avoid to keep your upholstery clean.
Tip #1: Keep the furniture covered with blanket or sheets. It might not look great, but who are you really trying to impress? Many people laugh at grandmothers who keep the furniture covered in plastic, but they keep their furniture looking new until they hand it down to the next generation. So plastic may be going too far, but if you have pets and children, the best thing to do is buy slipcovers to protect the furniture.
Tip # 2: Vacuum the sofa once a week. When you vacuum the carpets, get out the wand and vacuum the sofa as well, even taking off the couch cushions. You will get a lot of dirt and dust out of the couch, which is what helps the stains set in, in the first place. Vacuuming will also take care of some odor, and you will also notice stains more often as they happen. This means that if you take a day to clean your furniture when you vacuum, it won’t be so bad as if you waited to do it once every six months.
Tip #3: When you do go to clean the upholstery, go over it with a hairbrush first. This is just a hairbrush from the dollar store and you may feel silly at first, but the hairbrush will loosen the dirt and get a lot of the pet hair out of the way.
Tip #4: Mix two cups of water with one quarter cup of clear dish detergent. Then use a wet cloth dipped in the mixture to clean the couch. Use the hairbrush to scrub over the stains. Keep rinsing the cloth out in fresh water as you go. As well, wring the cloth out; because you don’t want to use too much water on the upholstery. This will cause water stains and make your upholstery look worse than if you had not cleaned it at all. Give the upholstery a final once over with a clean rag and that is about all you can do.
Tip #5: Call a professional cleaner if the couch is worth saving and this process didn’t work. If this kind of cleaning doesn’t work, you’re next impulse will be to rent a machine or go to the grocery store and by some harsh chemicals to clean the upholstery. Resist these urges. A rented machine won’t get much better results than the soap and water, and the chemicals in the store-bought products will probably bleach your upholstery.
If you would like more information or a quote for upholstery cleaning please get in touch with us on 1300 931 391.